Yearly Archives: 2016


Under the sun – by Qiu Yang

One incident occurs, two families tangle. There’s nothing new under the sun.

The Pierre Clémenti Inedits – by Pierre Clémenti

Three films found, directed by Pierre Clementi: Bunuel, Pasolini and Garrel’s actor. Three diamonds, three symphonies silent images, three ” colored snakes “: SOUVENIRS SOUVENIRS (bobine 27) France, 1967-78, 27 min POSITANO (bobine 30B01) France, c. 1968, 28 min LA DEUXIÈME FEMME (bobine J) France, 1967-78, 48 min

Madame Butterfly – by Tsai Ming-Liang

A free interpretation of the opera in which Tsai Ming Liang propels a woman abandoned by her lover in the crush of the bus station in Kuala Lumpur.

Journey to the West – by Tsaï Ming Liang

Taking Buddhist ritual centuries old steps, a monk is walking extremely slowly in the busy streets of Marseille and Noailles market.

Dawn of the Monsters – by Édouard Moderne

Around the world, strange phenomena occur, mutations, medical curiosities. The entire case comes from the poor and working classes …

The Forest of Dream – by Antoine Barraud

The Dream Forest is a walk through the thought of one of the greatest Japanese filmmakers, Kohei Oguri, author of The sting of death (Grand Jury Prize , Cannes 1990). Around an animistic sensitivity and a constant search for harmony, it redefines poetry, serenity and assurance : the essence of a utopian cinema, the culmination of 30 years of thinking about the staging and the report image.

The Mountain of Terror – by Antoine Barraud

“I decided to look Shuji Terayama, his soul, his re-incarnations, traces he left. As far as I know it could be a fish, a tiger or even a breath of air. What I know is that I’ll talk to him, no matter what.” Antoine Barraud

Spring in exile – by Massimiliano Minissale

They left Tunisia after the fall of Ben Ali, to arrive in Paris from Lampedusa. What happens to these thousands of Arab Spring’s exiles ? Who are these men who decided to come to France risking their lives? Massimiliano Minissale and Marie Blandin followed them for two years, their forlorn hope , their expectations, and sometimes their return home .

RED – by Antoine Barraud

A renowned filmmaker named Bertrand Bonello, is working on his next film dealing with love and monstrosity. He starts investigating a paint which would express all the power and beauty of monsters. In that order, he requires the services of art historian with who he starts an aesthetic investigation through masterpieces.

Houses of Fire – by Antoine Barraud

The director of United Red Army, Koji Wakamatsu, himself involved in the struggle of 70 years in Japan, discusses the cinema weapon, one he uses camera loaded and pointed to the authorities, since 40 years.

Age is… – by Stephen Dwoskin

AGE IS… is an ode to the texture, the beauty , the uniqueness of aging faces and silhouettes, a hypnotic poem as ” Dwoskinien ” sense, ie a careful observation, passion and love of details. A gesture, a pause, a look, a moment. Through his films, privacy has always played a leading role and this is still the case in Age is … all faces are those of close friends, their families and even Stephen himself.

Underground Fragrance – by Pengfei

YONG LE, a young migrant worker from the south, salvages furniture to re-sell. He lives in a room in Beijing’s Underground City, a labyrinthian former bomb shelter that serves as cheap housing for people looking for opportunity in the big city. But after a bad work accident leaves him temporarily blind, he has to use a rope to find his way around the dimly lit basement halls, until the night he meets a girl at the other end of his rope... XIAO YUN, is a migrant too. She is desperately trying to find new employment so that she can leave her job pole dancing at nights. Her meeting with YONG LE and their burgeoning relationship encourages her to hunt for a more respectable job. At ground level, old LAO JIN has been struggling for years to get a decent compensation deal from the authorities who want to demolish his house. His health is declining and his savings are evaporating. And he’s counting on YONG LE to sell his furniture at a good price. Three lives propelled by the « Chinese Dream » intermingle in the vast melting pot of the Beijing metropolis.

Peace to us in our Dreams – by Šarūnas Bartas

One summer day, a man, his current compagnion and his daughter arrive to their countryside house to spend a weekend. After the death of her mother, the sixteen year old daughter lives with her father, whose attention she lacks. He is tired of his daily routine at work and does not know how to find strength to carry on living. His wife, a violinist, does not feel any joy of life, as she is confused in her priorities – music, love and career. Despite the fact the man and his wife love each other, their relationship is tensed and is on the brink of collapse.

Portrait of the Artist – by Antoine Barraud

A filmmaker is working on his next film on monstrosity theme. He developed the idea with his colleagues in working sessions, including actors he has chosen for the lead roles and his producer. He seems obsessed with the idea of finding a canvas which would be like the heart of the upcoming film and symbolize, crystallize, the power and beauty of monsters. The vastness of possibilities and interpretations, it uses the services of an art historian who will offer him many paintings and with whom he will begin discussions increasingly passionate. Spilliaert, Francis Bacon, Hans Bellmer, Diane Arbus, Gustave Moreau, each meeting the hustle and calls the next. His desires become clear, he even decides to run rehearsals to see how the idea develops itself. But it does not show to anyone, not even his wife is this spot that grows in his back. This red mark that worries, and seems to express something…

Youth (Spring) – by Wang Bing

Zhili, 150 km from Shanghai. In this city dedicated to textile manufacturing, young people flock from all the rural regions crossed by the Yangtze river. They are 20-year old, share dorms, eat in the passageways. They work relentlessly to be able one day to raise a child, buy a house or build their own workshop. Among them, friendships and romantic relationships dawn and come undone to the rythm of the seasons, the bankrupcies and familial pressures.

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