Yearly Archives: 2016


The Road to Mandalay – by Midi Z

Lianqing and Guo meet when they illegally crossed into Thailand. Lianqing finds a job as a dishwasher in a restaurant while Guo works in a textile factory in the suburbs. But Guo’s faith in Lianqing is diminishing rapidly; their love is irreversibly doomed.   Director : Midi Z Written by : Midi Z Length : 107 min Language : Burmese Original title : Zai Jian

The Ornithologist – by João Pedro Rodrigues

Fernando is a 35-year-old ornithologist. He decides to go down a river in a kayak, hoping to find extremely rare black storks. Distracted by the beauty of the landscape, Fernando is soon thrown overboard by the current, and his motionless, bloody body reaches the riverbank.

Territory of Love – by Romain Cogitore

MARIA is 28, restless, wants to have every man and proud of speaking five languages. She flies to Taipei, lives on small jobs but what she wants more than anything is to finish her novel. Seven books under way, and none of them completed. She meets OLIVIER, a young expat. He is slow-moving, shy and can speak fifteen languages. As he welcomes her, she becomes calmer.

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