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Le Voyage en Occident

The Journey in Occident

Reprenant les marches rituelles bouddhistes vieilles de plusieurs siècles, un moine marche à pas extrêmement lents dans les rues animées de Marseille et le marché de Noailles



They left Tunisia after the fall of Ben Ali, to arrive in Paris from Lampedusa. What happens to these thousands of Arab Spring’s exiles ? Who are these men who decided to come to France risking their lives? Massimiliano Minissale and Marie Blandin followed them for two years, their forlorn hope , their expectations, and sometimes their return home .


Le Dos Rouge

Un cinéaste travaille à un film autour de la monstruosité. Mais ce qu’il ne montre à personne, c’est cette tache rouge dans son dos qui semble vouloir lui dire quelque chose…

House On Fire

The company

HOUSE ON FIRE is a young production company that was created in February 2009 by Antoine Barraud, writer / director, Philippe Dijon de Monteton, co-director of the Lucca Film Festival, and Vincent Wang, producer of all Tsai Ming Liang's feature films since "Goodbye Dragon Inn", including his latest « Face » (Visage), a coproduction between France, Belgium, and Taiwan, which premiered at Cannes in competition 2009.

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